Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Colorado - Some additional blessings

There are two other items that Heavenly Father aligned for us to make the move to Colorado possible.  The first one I want to mention is the location where Annie's parents bought their home.  Kaylene shared this experience with me as additional evidence that our move was blessed.

Mark and Kaylene had been living in apartment buildings for some time ever since they moved to Colorado and were very excited to find and purchase a home again. They found one in Bennett Colorado that was a great deal, completely finished basement, and had very nice upgrades.  They began the process and put an offer on the house.  During the process they didn't feel quite right about it, but weren't sure why.  It was such a nice house.  Kaylene felt so uneasy about it they she got physically sick and was up all night one night with a horrible stomach ache.  She told Mark that night to cancel the offer. The next day he did, and as soon as he did, Kaylene's physical ailments disappeared and she felt better.  They both in fact felt at peace with not purchasing the Bennett house.

Later they found the house they are currently in and though it had an unfinished basement, it was still a very nice home.  This home is in Brighton Colorado.  It was only until later when I got my new position with Intel that the reason the Bennett house wouldn't have worked.  It would have simply been too far of a commute for me to be able to live with the Neslens and work at Intel.  Their home in Brighton is almost exactly between Mark's job location and mine making it a pretty reasonable commute for both of us.

The second blessing we received while in the process of moving that I want to mention is in relation to the lease that we were in in Oregon.  The lease expired the end of July, but we were planning on moving in June.  We were of course going to fulfill our lease agreement, but weren't extremely excited about paying the extra couple months of rent.  When we told our landlord we were moving the appreciated the ample notice we gave them and told us that they would forgive the lease if they found someone else to rent in June and July.  We were excited about that possibility, but were hesitant about having to show the house to potential renters.  We've gone through the process of having to show a house and the inconvenience it is, especially while moving.  We had boxes everywhere and weren't making much of an effort to keep the house clean.

Shortly after we were notified that a family wanted to come look at the house so we went through the process of cleaning to make it as presentable as possible.  The family came, looked, and left.  They seemed pleased with it but were also very polite and nice individuals.

It wasn't long after that when we heard that they did want to rent it and would move in just a week after we were planning on moving out.  This was a huge blessing in two ways.  One, our lease would be forgiven from the time the other family moved in.  Second, we wouldn't have to show the house again, preventing a lot of stress.

I know I've said this a lot in this series of blog posts, but I am so great full to Heavenly Father for taking care of us in even the small details of our lives.  For caring for and loving us so much.  For opening the doors for us to move to Colorado and be closer to family.  We have been so blessed to be here.

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