Monday, May 9, 2011

Daddy Daughter Day

Annie took the boys up to Washington to visit with Kimmie and Kevin for the weekend, so it was just Cedar and me at home. She spent most of Friday with Sara and Spence so I could work, but we had a great day together on Saturday.

We were up by 7:00am. Cedar doesn't sleep in even on the weekends. I wasn't quite ready to be awake yet so we just snuggled on the couch for a little while. It was very sweet for a little bit, but then Cedar started to get restless and wanted to poke at my eyes and sit on my head. So it's time for breakfast.

Cedar wanted bacon for breakfast. Nothing else. Just bacon. I asked her if she wanted eggs with bacon, or pancakes, or waffles (my favorite). Nope … just bacon. It was turkey bacon, so not that bad, but still just bacon? Well I'm dad so I say … bacon it is. I did make some eggs with bacon in it and some toast for myself to see if I could bate her a little, but nope. I guess it could have been chocolate cake.

After breakfast I asked Cedar if she wanted to go to Costco (we have the worlds largest Costco less than a mile away, he, he, he). She did, and I was able to use that for the next 2 hours while we got ready. I told her she needed to take a bath and she said, "okay … Costco". As I tried to get her hair into a pony tail (which after a half hour still looked pathetic) I kept having to apologize and start over. Cedar just said, "okay daddy … Costco". Finally as I was putting her shoes on she was pretty restless, and I had to tell her to be a helper. She said, "okay daddy, I'll be a helper … Costco". We had a good time at Costco. I was able to get some errands done and we enjoyed a Costco hotdog and some soda.

After Costco it was nap time. That's never a very happy time, but I told her if she would take a nap we would go for a bike ride which seemed to make it a little easier (uh hu … bribery, a fathers best weapon). I was able to take a nap too which was awesome because since Bridger was born the parents sleep has not been so good. But Cedar got up again before I was ready so we repeated some of the morning snuggle adventure.

Our bike ride was somewhat short because it had been rainy and the clouds didn't look very promising. But it was fun and nice to get a little exercise. When we got back I told Cedar that if we got the living room picked up we could wrestle so that was our adventure until dinner time. Wrestling with Cedar is very different than wrestling with Tanner. Sure, she has picked up on many of his moves, her favorite being jumping as high as she can and landing on my gut with her knees, but then she just wants to snuggle. Then she jumps on me again and then snuggles. I remember the first time Cedar joined Tanner and me wrestling. She threw a pillow at my head and I groaned and fell down. My sound effects must have been good because immediately Cedar got very concerned and came over saying "sowry, sowry, kiss it beta". I let her give me a hug and kiss my head better and told her that I was okay and it was just a game.

After we wrestled for a while we made "hot stickers" (again Cedars request) and had a picnic in the living room while watching a "scary" Curious George movie.

When the movie was over we read some stories, looked at pictures on the TV while listening to music and having a dance party (only a 3-year-old can do all that at once), and then it was time for bed. Bed time wasn't too bad because I told her if she was a helper we would snuggle in bed, which we did.

It was a great day to spend with my daughter. She is a lot of work, especially when the other kids are around and she is competing for attention, but she really is a sweet child and I love her very much.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing all of this down. I'm glad you had a special day with C. We'll love reading about this later. Love you!
