Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tanner's Prayers

My last post was about Tanner's faith in prayer, but I have to comment again on the subject because the quality of his prayers continues to amaze me.  I remember when I was young Mom and Dad had to time our prayers trying to force us to pray longer and hopefully more sincerely.  They were repetitive, not very thought out, and very short.

There is some repetition in Tanner's prayers ... hey he's five.  But he always adds some special nuggets of thought and sincerity.  A couple of examples ... We didn't have family home evening last night (Monday) and told Tanner that we would have it tonight (Tuesday).  This morning he said the prayer to bless our breakfast and he asked Heavenly Father to bless us to have a good Family Home Evening tonight.  I was impressed that he remembered (because I sure didn't) and was already asking for the blessing.

Then, "... and bless daddy so that he can make lots of money at work today."  Oh ... how I love my Tanner.  I asked him afterward about that specific request, and he said, "so we can pay for the house and more toys".

Last year I faced losing my job and had been searching for several months before I found another that didn't have an expiration date.  I really enjoy my new job, and I know, in part, I got it because of the faith and prayers of a little boy.

1 comment:

  1. I love our Tanner, and his simple faith is an awesome example. Remember when we were teaching him about faith and we asked, "Tanner, can you see Jesus?" "No." "Is he real?" "Of course he is." He is a sweet boy who loves his daddy!
