Annie's mom, Kaylene, came up with the name for this blog, and I liked it. We love the show "Everybody Loves Raymond" and since it's a show all about Ray ... with a lot of supporting people ... I thought that fit. This blog is all about me ... with a lot supporting people (my family, friends, coworkers and weird people I may encounter on the street) ... and that's the way I like it. So whether everyone loves Ryon really isn't the point.
So what is the point? Uh ... I really don't know. I'm actually not sure what I'll write about. Something probably. I just like having a place to capture random thoughts, ideas, stories, personal achievements, good jokes, spiritual experiences, and anything else I feel like writing about.
So this is the first, of hopefully many, blog post on my new "Everybody Loves Ryon" blog. Enjoy!
Yay! And just so you know, everybody DOES love Ryon! At least everybody I know. Remember the first time we saw that show and how hard we were laughing? I'm looking forward to the virtual journaling that is to come! Love you!