Sunday, May 30, 2010

Everybody Loves Ryon???

Hi ... I am Ryon and this is my blog. Most of you that read this already know me and my family so I won't bore with an autobiography, personal history, or even a short intro.

Annie's mom, Kaylene, came up with the name for this blog, and I liked it. We love the show "Everybody Loves Raymond" and since it's a show all about Ray ... with a lot of supporting people ... I thought that fit. This blog is all about me ... with a lot supporting people (my family, friends, coworkers and weird people I may encounter on the street) ... and that's the way I like it. So whether everyone loves Ryon really isn't the point.

So what is the point? Uh ... I really don't know. I'm actually not sure what I'll write about. Something probably. I just like having a place to capture random thoughts, ideas, stories, personal achievements, good jokes, spiritual experiences, and anything else I feel like writing about.

So this is the first, of hopefully many, blog post on my new "Everybody Loves Ryon" blog. Enjoy!